A Sip of Elixir

An introduction to Elixir followed by a hands on session.

Tutorial, 75 mins


There has been a lot of talk about Elixir recently. What exactly is it? Why is everyone talking about it at the moment? Is it actually any good?

Participants will have the opportunity to examine Elixir, learn a little about it including a hands on session and decide for themselves if it is a useful technology for the industry.

Audience background

Anyone interested in finding out about Elixir.

Benefits of participating

Participants will have the opportunity to examine Elixir, learn a little about it including a hands on session and decide for themselves if it is a useful technology for the industry.


The session will be an introduction with slides to Elixir, we will look at an example program and give participants the opportunity to have a go at writing some Elixir themselves.

Detailed timetable

00:00 - 00:10 - Introduction, Session Objectives
00:11 - 00:20 - Verbal Introduction to Elixir with slides
00:21 - 00:30 - Introduction to Language features and syntax - using a really simple example kata that generates a huge amount of data, and compare speed to another language.
00:31 - 01:15 Workshop - Participants try a kata themselves supported by presenters.


- We will make the slides available to participants and organisers.
- Slides will include links to further learning resources and meetups.


This will be a new talk for SPA 2017.


  1. Emma-Ashley Liles
    8th Light