Play overload: Innovation Games® Meets Lego® Serious Play®

workshop 75 minutes


Innovation Games® gives you a set of tools you can use to tackle your organization’s challenges in such areas as corporate strategy, market research, product innovation and much more.
Lego Serious Play® is a facilitation technique that uses a carefully selected set of lego bricks specifically designed for to stimulate creativity and co-creation.
In this session, we will combine the power of game design techniques from innovation games with the co-creation and 3D experience of Lego Serious Play.
Why are games so good to use?
Games involve a high level of motion and helps us to
• focus
• remember
• decide
• perform
• learn

But they also
• involve people
• have structure and goals
• operate more like a real-world system
• results are unpredictable
• even small changes creates a great difference in the result

Why is Lego® so powerful?
• it stimulates us to be more creative
• it is a lot easier for people to get into than drawing
• it brings back childhood memories ;-)

We will introduce the participants several Innovation Games® which we specifically moddled for use with Lego® Serious Play®. Participants can choose between two different innovation games®:
• Product Box
• My worst nightmare

Benefits of participating

Get a short introduction to both Innovation games® and Lego Serious Play®.

Materials provided

Lego and all other needed material


(note in this session the co presenter is actually the presenter. It was entered in this way for organisatoral reasons. In the Programme the co leader should be mentioned first)

Detailed timetable

Short introduction (15 minutes):
Who are we?
Who are you? - warm up game
What are the innovation games®?
What is Lego® Serious Play®?
Introduce the games that will be available for play
Body vote to form groups that will play each game
Round 1 (25 minutes)
Play the first game you choose as participant
Round 2 (25 minutes)
Play the second game you choose as participant
Short retro (10 minutes)
What did you like about these mods?
What would you change to make them perfection?


  1. Erik Talboom