SPA2005 session: Software Product Lines: What, Why, When and How

One-line description:An overview of Software Product Lines, the benefits of the Software Product Line approach, when to start a Software Product Line and how to start a Software Product Line
Session format: Tutorial [read about the different session types]

What is a Software Product Line (SPL)
What SPLs are not
Benefits of the SPL approach
The three essential activities of SPLs
- Domain Engineering
- Application Engineering
- Organisational Management
When to start an SPL - Product Line Potential
How to start an SPL
Success factors and pitfalls
Where to find out more


Attendees should leave the tutorial with an understanding of the SPL approach and why it differs from single-system development. They should also be better-informed as to whether and how their organisations could benefit from adopting the SPL approach and should also have an awareness of how to start an SPL if appropriate.
Audience background:The tutorial is aimed at software architects, product managers or senior managers with no or little prior knowledge of Software Product Line development.

Prior experience or knowledge of the software lifecycle is assumed.
Benefits of participating:Product line development is becoming a low-risk, high-return proposition. Members of the audience should leave the tutorial with firm ideas as to how the SPL approach could be applied in their organisation and the benefits and costs of using the approach.
Materials provided:Copies of slides for all attendees
Process:Slide-based presentation to describe the key concepts.

Approximate timings:

Slides - Introduction and Tutorial overview - 2 minutes

Slides - What is an SPL / What SPLs are not / Example PLs - 10 mins

Slides - Benefits of SPL approach - 7 mins

Slides - Essential SPL Activities - 15 mins

Slides - When to start an SPL - 6 mins

Slides - How to start an SPL - 18 mins

Slides - Success factors and pitfalls - 5 mins

Slide - Summary - 1 minute

Slide - Where to find out more - 1 minute
Outputs:Web pages with:

- presenter slides
- notes of attendee questions / presenter answers and any discussion
History:Session has been prepared for SPA2005.
1. Mark Dalgarno
Software Acumen
2. 3.