SPA2005 session: Making our world a little smaller

One-line description:Practices and experiences from distributed development
Session format: Workshop [read about the different session types]
Abstract:This can happen to you tomorrow: a joint software project with a team in China and another team in the Netherlands. A merger with a U.S. based company, demanding benefits from common IT structure and projects. Integrating new technology from Australia into your products.

Do you know how to set this up? Do you know how to keep it alive?

An integration that is beneficial for all involved parties requires more thought than a clever contract. In situations where the partners look for a win-win situation, agile processes spring to mind. However, those value communication and typically require proximity.

This workshop explores projects that have been facing remote teams, and captures their experiences. Things that work and things that do not work will be discussed in different areas of software development.
Audience background:experience in software projects, preferably in distributed teams.
Alternatively, a willingness to extrapolate the own experiences into different situations.
Benefits of participating:learning about different situations where agility is hard to implement
learning about establishing your own process
learning about things that have been working elsewhere
learning about things that might appear plausible, but may not work
Materials provided:slides
Process:We will tackle different areas of interest, including organization, communication, team, and environment.

The session will start with a presentation of the session organizers, introducing their projects, problems, approaches, and experiences.

The groupwork then includes telling own stories, and identifying similar problems to tackle. These are reported back to the plenary.

After the break, the groups select problems and describe solutions. Again, these are reported back into the plenary.

The session wrapup evaluates the proposed solutions with respect to their effectiveness and practical implementation. The results are prepared as posters.
Outputs:form: poster at the conference, and probably a discussion area at the SPA pages

content: those heuristics that the group rated highest - or lowest, respectively
1. Klaus Marquardt
Dräger Medical AG
2. Paul Dyson
e2x limited
3. Lise Hvatum