Keynote: SPA Jam
SPA Jam: Discover what being agile feels like
We're proud to welcome The Lost and Foundlings, a troupe of ukulele enthusiasts and agile practitioners who are going to run an interactive session with forty ukuleles. Supported by uke troupe, The Fleas, they will help you experience first-hand what living the Agile values and applying the Agile principles feels like - through the medium of music. However, we will not be limited to just ukuleles, so please bring your favourite instruments with you.
The ultimate test of personal agility
Sadly, all too often, Agile adoption is all talk. The true meaning of Agile gets lost amidst so much rhetoric and handwaving from Agile careerists and practitioners alike.
To truly understand what being Agile means and all the benefits that it brings, we need to experience it for ourselves. To live it, breathe it and feel it.
As luck would have it, one of the most Agile groups in existence is the Ukulele Community. Come along and experience the transformative power of Agile through play, music and sing-a-long. No prior skill or experience of singing nor ukulele required. Simply bring along your courage, your uke and tuner or your instrument of choice to live and breathe Agile and play for your life!
Session Objectives:
- Experience firsthand what living the Agile values and applying the Agile principles feels like
- Reflect on how agile you think you are and what you do in practice, especially when put under pressure to perform
- Develop networking skills
- Make friends
- Have fun!