Kenny Baas-Schwegler


Image of Kenny Baas-Schwegler

Kenny Baas-Schwegler is a software engineer and consultant focusing on building quality into software delivery at Xebia. He mentors, coaches and consults teams by using practices techniques and tools from Domain Driven Design, Behaviour Driven Development, Test Driven Development, and Continuous Delivery.

Through Aikido training he learned the most efficient way to work together. To get the outcome that all parties want, energy should not be blocked but should be bent and influenced. The philosophy behind this line of reasoning is not only embedded in his personal life, but also in his work life. He is an advocate for multidisciplinary collaboration in open spaces. By using and combining tools such as EventStorming, and Example Mapping, he helps engineer requirements to design and model software. With these approaches, he aims to create a transparent, collaborative space with constant and instant feedback when delivering software.

Besides his daily work, he also helps organise several meetups for Behaviour Driven Development NL, Domain Driven Design Nederland and EventStorming Netherlands and also often speaks and gives hands-on workshops at conferences and meetups.


Twitter: @kenny_baas