Agile Technical practices coaching

Sharing my experience working as a developer coach for the past 6 years.

75 minutes


In this talk, I will share experiences of coaching software engineers in agile technical practices. Specifically, programming practices such as TDD, refactoring pair programming and simple design. I will share how I approach coaching agile technical practices, what content I generally use and some of the materials and exercises. I will also go through some of the hurdles I faced when coaching, what has worked and what hasn't. Usually, in this session, I get a lot of questions so I will leave a generous time for Q&A.

This talk is not about the specific practices. It's about how you as coach promote their adoption by individuals, teams and organizations.

Some of the customers where I worked as a coach,, Societe General, Codurance (internal apprenticeship program).

I'm one of the authors of "Agile Technical Practices Distilled"

Audience background

General knowledge of agile methodologies and some knowledge of software design

Benefits of participating

Understand the importance of technical practices in any organization the creates software and how you can use coaching to improve their adoption.

Materials provided



Presentation + QA


Slides on slide share


  1. Pedro Santos