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Choices for persistence


This session was a workshop to gather peoples' experiences of persistence mechanisms. The ways that persistence mechanism were chosen and what the issues the persistence mechanisms addressed (or caused) were gathered during the session.

The first part of the session was to gather the mechanisms that the audience had used and to categorize these into groupings of mechanisms. The output of this exercise was:

Mechanism Categories

O/R mechanisms

  Entity beans
  Webshere CMP

O/R Frameworks

  Castor JDO

Old O/R

  Croeso - Smalltalk thick client %2b CICS/DB2

Pattern Mechanisms

  Homebrew JDO
  Session Beans / PL/SQL


  Peer Classes
  Snap - C Generator
  Homebrew in C%2b%2b

Language Mechanisms

  Framework - Serialization/Streaming
  Java Serialization

Object Dbs

  Object Store

Note: There was no experience of Ruby on Rails, any .NET frameworks or Object/Relational database extensions

Choosing a mechanism

The audience took part in an exercise to consider the ways that the categories of persistence mechanisms were chosen.

O/R Mechanisms

  CV ware

O/R Framework

  No DB Query Experience
  Thought would increase productivity
  Proof of Concept
  Developer's lunch
  Cost (Developement %2b Deployment)
  Standards based

O/R Mechanism

  Bundled with toolset (it was there)

Old O/R

  IT directors Whim

Object DB

  Purity - the right way (at the time)

Language Mechanisms

  Availability in language
  Didn't think needed query language
  Pure persistence (identity not needed)

Patterns Mechanisms

  Couldn't use O/R Frameworks but didn't want to start from scratch


  Nothing else available
  Someone wanted to build one

Object Dbs

  Availability of Resources

Some mechanisms were chosen as a result of failures of others, in a trial, error, trial, error cycle, the examples given were

  Homebrew->Castor/JDO->'real' JDO
Sucesses and Failures using the persistence mechanisms

The audience took part in an exercise to consider where mechanisms were sucessful and where they failed.

O/R mapping

  kept Data Definition in one place
  simplified Data Definition process


  BMP worked because it was handwritten by an expert

Lang Mechanism

  Used XML serialization for message passing succefully
  Used serialization to Blobs in a database, but as the software developed more attribute value pairs where added as columns.

Object DB

  Worked with fluid schema and dynamic class/object models
  Highly paid experts and high cost technology were difficulties
  Good because did not need to do any O/R mapping
  Performance of Object Databases are slow, though these are improving
  No (impact) on change

Bespoke %2b Homegrown

  Used because nothing else was available to do the job
  Was the most flexible
  Was slow to develop
  app developers saw this as an intersting problem
  Was expensive to develop
  Was high risk
  Was cheap to deploy
  External skills were a problem (knowledge internal only)
  Perfromance was better in some cases but worse in others

O/R Mechanisms

  Early versions were naïve and limited (no associations)
  The performance was a problem
  Help to manage transactions across non-DB resources
  Security infrastruture helped
  It became unfashionable, so harder to get knowledable staff

O/R Frameworks

  Started with EJBs moved to Hibernate/Spring which worked
  Cost of deployment was low for hibernate
  Performance was good
  Flexibility was a problem for certain types of object model
  Availability of trained resources is good for hibernate

The audience concluded that the O/R Frameworks such as Hibernate were the best chance of success as the persistence mechanism. They noted however that it does not solve all the problems and that if the system requires support not provided by the O/R Frameworks (for example fluid schemas or complex security infrastructures) then something else has to be considered. In that case the most common factors for selection were experience or fashion. In summary there was no one solution that worked for everyone.